Monthly Archives: October 2015

How to Effectively Sell Used Farm Equipment

There are various reasons for people wanting to sell their used farm equipment. Some might be looking to upgrade their tools or no longer have use of a certain equipment, etc. No matter what the condition of your farm equipment, it’s always astute to get some money in return. Even a piece of scrap can get you some money for its weight.

Today, numerous methods are available for you to sell used farm equipment. However, rather than going the traditional way, it could be beneficial to opt for modern methods. Placing online classified ads is one of the most efficient ways to sell used farm equipment. Nowadays, various classified website dedicated to online agricultural supply are available. These can help you reach a wider audience and get a better deal for your items in lesser time.

But the used agricultural market is highly competitive, so it’s always better to prepare yourself before entering the markets. Read on to learn how to sell used farm equipment online.

Sell Used Farm Equipment Online

First of all, examine the overall condition of your equipment. For instance, if you are looking to sell a machine or vehicle, its working condition as well as outward appearance will decide the selling price. So, it’s always advised to get a paint and repair job, if necessary. It can significantly increase your selling price.

Once you are done with this, write down all of the pertinent details about your equipment such as its make, model, year, type, etc. Then take high quality pictures of the equipment you want to sell. It’s always good to take photos on a bright sunny day. Just make sure to avoid too much glare and try to get in as much detail as possible.

Now is the time to hit the web. Browse classified farm equipment websites online for equipment similar to the one you want to sell. You can use the details and prices offered as guidelines for your equipment. Most of these websites allow placing of ads for free, or for a nominal fee. Now, place your ad by signing up and simply entering in the information about your item. You will also be able to upload the photos of your equipment during this process. Finally, re-check your ad to make sure all the information is correct and the photos are clear.

Once you receive an offer, arrange for the buyer to come and pick the equipment. And, in order to avoid fraud, accept only full cash payment up-front.

By following the aforementioned steps, you can successfully sell used farm equipment at a good price!

Safety Tips for Handling Mining Equipment to Reduce Accidents

Due to its rich reserves of natural resources, Canada ranks among the top five countries contributing to the global production of major minerals and metals. These include uranium, cobalt, potash, aluminum, tungsten, platinum, sulphur, titanium, as well as nickel and diamonds. Thanks to its extensive mining industry, Canada is also one of the largest users of mining equipment in the world. If you are seeking out mining equipment, it is essential to consider the type of equipment you need. At the same time, you must also take into account the best ways to handle that equipment.

Tips for Handling Mining Equipment

Here are some tips for the safe handling of mining equipment, which will help you in ensuring correct operation, while reducing mining accidents.

  1. Using the Equipment for the First Time: If you are using the equipment for the first time, then read the user and safety manuals that came with the equipment. Also, it is advised to take proper and sufficient training from a qualified, experienced personal. If nobody at your facility has prior experience with that equipment, you can also look for online tutorial videos and articles. Websites like YouTube and wikiHow can be of great help in this regard.
  2. The Storage Facility Standard: One of the most neglected aspects when handling mining equipment is ensuring that the equipment has a good storage facility. This is important for security as mining equipment is quite expensive. It is also necessary to make certain that the storage area is dry and clean, so that the equipment doesn’t corrode or undergo any other problem.
  3. Annual Mining Refresher Training Course: It is essential that all people on a mining site undertake an annual refresher course. This course will educate them about various safety considerations that need to be taken care of when using heavy mining equipment in Canada. This can help avoid accidents and save lives in case of an emergency. It is recommended to take the course before the equipment is purchased.
  4. First Aid: Every mining site in Canada should have immediate access to first aid. The reason for this is, most equipment is so heavy that an accident can lead to life threatening consequences. In such a situation, immediate first aid can help avoid further complications.
  5. By following the above mentioned tips for safe handling of mining equipment, you can definitely help reduce mining accidents in Canada.

3 Main Types of Scrap Handling Equipment

Scrap handling equipment are used for scrap management. To address the increasing needs of this industry, refined technology has entered the market. Scrap handling machines are used for optimized processing of scrap. They help reduce effort and increase productivity. Some of the main types of scrap handling equipment are mentioned in this blog post.

types of scrap handling machinary

Different Types of Scrap Handling Machinery

Listed below are the main types of machines used for scrap handling:

  1. Baling Machines

Single, double, and triple action balers featuring mechanical and electronic operation can be used for scrap handling processes. Both, horizontal and vertical balers are available in the market. These machines help compress hay and other types of crops into bales.

  1. Cable Processing and Granulation

These machines are used to handle electronic scrap. They strip the plastic off cables and wires. Then, the plastic and metal is separated. The metal of the wire is then reduced to granules. The amount of copper produced in each load can easily be ascertained allowing for easy disposal or selling of the scrap.

  1. Non-ferrous Shredders

These machines are used for disposal or recycling of several materials like wood, textiles, cables, etc. As the name suggests, these shredders are used with non-ferrous materials only. This is an environmentally friendly way of recycling or disposing of scrap.

Using the right type of scrap handling machine will allow you to utilize your time well. A streamlined scrap management process will allow you to benefit in the long run. Whether you are looking to recycle scrap or sell it, your scrap handling machines should be able to manage the load as well as the products being moved. You should purchase the machines in accordance with your requirements. This will allow you to get higher returns on your investment.