Category Archives: Mining Equipment

Safety Tips for Handling Mining Equipment to Reduce Accidents

Due to its rich reserves of natural resources, Canada ranks among the top five countries contributing to the global production of major minerals and metals. These include uranium, cobalt, potash, aluminum, tungsten, platinum, sulphur, titanium, as well as nickel and diamonds. Thanks to its extensive mining industry, Canada is also one of the largest users of mining equipment in the world. If you are seeking out mining equipment, it is essential to consider the type of equipment you need. At the same time, you must also take into account the best ways to handle that equipment.

Tips for Handling Mining Equipment

Here are some tips for the safe handling of mining equipment, which will help you in ensuring correct operation, while reducing mining accidents.

  1. Using the Equipment for the First Time: If you are using the equipment for the first time, then read the user and safety manuals that came with the equipment. Also, it is advised to take proper and sufficient training from a qualified, experienced personal. If nobody at your facility has prior experience with that equipment, you can also look for online tutorial videos and articles. Websites like YouTube and wikiHow can be of great help in this regard.
  2. The Storage Facility Standard: One of the most neglected aspects when handling mining equipment is ensuring that the equipment has a good storage facility. This is important for security as mining equipment is quite expensive. It is also necessary to make certain that the storage area is dry and clean, so that the equipment doesn’t corrode or undergo any other problem.
  3. Annual Mining Refresher Training Course: It is essential that all people on a mining site undertake an annual refresher course. This course will educate them about various safety considerations that need to be taken care of when using heavy mining equipment in Canada. This can help avoid accidents and save lives in case of an emergency. It is recommended to take the course before the equipment is purchased.
  4. First Aid: Every mining site in Canada should have immediate access to first aid. The reason for this is, most equipment is so heavy that an accident can lead to life threatening consequences. In such a situation, immediate first aid can help avoid further complications.
  5. By following the above mentioned tips for safe handling of mining equipment, you can definitely help reduce mining accidents in Canada.