3 Main Types of Scrap Handling Equipment

Scrap handling equipment are used for scrap management. To address the increasing needs of this industry, refined technology has entered the market. Scrap handling machines are used for optimized processing of scrap. They help reduce effort and increase productivity. Some of the main types of scrap handling equipment are mentioned in this blog post.

types of scrap handling machinary

Different Types of Scrap Handling Machinery

Listed below are the main types of machines used for scrap handling:

  1. Baling Machines

Single, double, and triple action balers featuring mechanical and electronic operation can be used for scrap handling processes. Both, horizontal and vertical balers are available in the market. These machines help compress hay and other types of crops into bales.

  1. Cable Processing and Granulation

These machines are used to handle electronic scrap. They strip the plastic off cables and wires. Then, the plastic and metal is separated. The metal of the wire is then reduced to granules. The amount of copper produced in each load can easily be ascertained allowing for easy disposal or selling of the scrap.

  1. Non-ferrous Shredders

These machines are used for disposal or recycling of several materials like wood, textiles, cables, etc. As the name suggests, these shredders are used with non-ferrous materials only. This is an environmentally friendly way of recycling or disposing of scrap.

Using the right type of scrap handling machine will allow you to utilize your time well. A streamlined scrap management process will allow you to benefit in the long run. Whether you are looking to recycle scrap or sell it, your scrap handling machines should be able to manage the load as well as the products being moved. You should purchase the machines in accordance with your requirements. This will allow you to get higher returns on your investment.